Scenes and Beans

And just like that, another Scenes & Beans has come and gone! 

A big THANK YOU to all of the Randolph Faith Center families who helped make this year’s coffee house a success! We had so many students and family members pitch in to help with set-up, sound, lights, desserts, and clean-up that it made the night a breeze. It was a beautiful picture of the body of Christ working together to make something wonderful come to life!

Eighty-nine very talented students took to the stage to create some beautiful, funny, truthful and human moments. 

From Tom Sawyer to Saint Joan and everything in between, interesting characters and scenarios lit up the stage! The students spent four weeks of class time working together in preparation for this event and they did not disappoint. 

It’s exciting to note that eight of the scripts presented at our coffee house were penned by Faith Center student writers! 

All put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboards) to write eight of the scripts that were performed by our 12+ Drama Students. Coda Drama Students also helped direct some of them. What a blessing! 

Next up for Randolph Drama…

Coda Drama Performances on January 27 and & the Spring Musicals in March & April. Don’t miss out!