New Classes

Ready for a new year at Faith Center? 

We have been working tirelessly to make improvements to our program that will better fit your family’s needs and schedule. Check out some of our NEW classes for this year!


General Music

Locations: Cedar Grove, Somerset, & Oak Ridge, ages 4-5

Students in General Music will focus on the development of basic musical competence and music literacy skills through singing and writing music and movement through the study of Kodaly. Pitch matching, internal beat, note reading, and aural comprehension are stressed and musical activities involving gross and fine motor skills are practiced in preparation for more formal instruction in the Faith Center program. Material is presented in a non-threatening environment through musical games and hands-on experience. Upon student readiness, students will perform in the spring.

Theater Dance

Locations: Somerset and Randolph

Theater Dance provides basic skills for the performer who is interested in musical theater, as well as students enrolled in Corps and Principal Dance Technique. Students will learn fundamental dance steps and combinations that are seen and done at musical theater auditions and workshops. This class provides the foundation for a student to feel more confident when attending a dance audition for community theater, camp, and regional productions. Theater Dance will also explore the audition process, choreography, and famous dancers and choreographers who influenced and shaped jazz and musical theater. Theater Dance is a co-ed class.

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Locations: All

In this full year course, students will use Adobe Premiere Pro as they write, shoot and edit their own short films. In class they will learn how to prepare their project using outlines and storyboards, how to communicate with others and problem solve as they embark on filming, all while gaining technical familiarity with an industry standard software.

Access to a phone or other digital video recorder/ camera is needed for the class.


Locations: Randolph, Somerset, Oak Ridge, 13+

Students will learn all about creating character voices, sound effects, and music for short animated sequences. We will learn to use GarageBand and other audio software to record tracks and import them into our animations using Adobe Premiere. Students who participated in previous sessions will use work created, while new students can collaborate in groups or use techniques learned on predesigned sequences.

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And More!

We’ve also added:

Dance Internship – Randolph, Comic Art –  Randolph, Online, Somerset, & Oak Ridge, Intro to Digital Art – all locations, and Coda Voice – Somerset.